
Dec 22, 2011

Basketful of Homemade Ornaments

At the Island Open House someone showed how to make glass ornaments for the holidays. It was such a cool idea I had to run to Michaels and pick up 2 dozen ornaments and my daughter and I proceeded to make them for family and friends.

You have to use glass ornaments and not the plastic variety. You mix water and liquid pearls to create the glue and spray inside (or outside) the ornament depending on the effect you want. You then sprinkle glitter inside the ornament. We did some with the Martha Stewart Glow in the Dark glitter and others with red, pink and purple glitter that we also had. (The few containers my daughter didn't get into a year ago when she covered the bathroom...).

Some of the ornaments were then decorated with Ranger alcohol ink. This was the exciting part, holding the ornament up away from my daughter's body but still within reach and over the craft table cover so my table didn't get accessorized. She did have some very colorful hands when all was done but the Ranger scrubbie works on her hands as well.

Here she is post clean-up showing off her handiwork.

We also decorated some of the ornaments with glitter on the outside and some got glitter on the inside but no alcohol ink. All were finished with some gorgeous Christmas bauble garland and a peppermint bow.

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