
Nov 10, 2011

Am I really doing this?

Have I really decided to start a blog? As if I don't have enough to do...yes I am a glutton for punishment so let's do this. I plan to write all about the pleasure of raising my beautiful, smart baby girl, all my crazy ideas, my scrapbooking activities, my poor long-suffering husband, and share secrets from other blogs. I've taken an interest in photography lately my insights will be added here as well.

My darling daughter is almost 3 and has started those temper tantrums we all love so much. And she loves to have the temper tantrums when other people are around. Like all children she knows when and how to push our buttons. When we are at home and she has a tantrum I can distract her with colors (a.k.a. crayons) and the dog (Macy) or flowers. But tantrums aside she is the best kid in the world (I know everyone has the best kid).

What all would you like to hear about and discuss?

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